Cullen Conveyancing Ltd
Upstairs, 191A Thames Street, Oamaru 9400Mobile: 027 341 5321 Phone: 03 434 2508
Fax: 03 434 2509 DX: WA32532

This page has links to various websites and businesses that I think may be useful to people who use this website. Most links are conveyancing and property related, but some are also to other tools that businesses and private sector people may find useful.
If you think that my clients may benefit by having your business or website listed here, please contact me with your suggestion.
Code of Conduct
Member of the New Zealand Society of Conveyancers
The New Zealand Society of Conveyancers promotes the highest standard of behavior in its members. In fulfilling their duty to clients conveyancers should:
"Ann Meredith-Cullen is a highly qualified and
experienced settlement professional and can provide
you with quality personalised customer service long
forgotten by some service industries"